
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Industrial Training Experiences - week 1

Week 1 (13 FEB 2012- 17 FEB 2012)

The first day of the first week was started at Pusat IPv6 Termaju Negara National Advanced IPv6 Centre (NAv6) in USM, Pulau Pinang. After had welcoming briefing from Ms Mahaletcheme, Administrative Assistant (Internship, Training, Consultancy & Event Coordinator) of NAv6 department, the author then assigned to Madam Rosnah as the Internship’s Supervisor. For the first day, Madam Rosnah has given briefing regarding the task that will given on internship’s time. The task are given is Production Planning System. During the briefing, the author was explained about the Production Planning, how the system is reflected. The System was roused but not fully completed. The author assigned to complete the system while undergoing practical training in this time.

Madam Rosnah also explained about the task for this week which needs to be prepared and make summary for the task and then needs to email the summary to her. The tasks are given for this week is:

Understanding about C#/C sharp
Production Planning - Issues and challenges in manufacturing environment
Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
Manufacturing Requirement Planning (MRP II)

In second day and days further in week 1, the author does the task given. The author finds the articles at the Google scholar and at the ScienceDirect website. The author downloads the articles in PDF format. From the articles, the author does the summary.

The next day, the author download a few mini project in C# programming language and use the project for understanding in using language C#. Mostly the project downloaded at codeproject website and

This week the author was concluded with learnt C# language, All in all, everything that was learnt during first week is totally all new to the author because during class section at the University the author just learnt C++ programming language but the basic syntax of C# looks a lot like C++, which is intentional. C# supports certain features or works in a certain way because it's C++ heritage. As conclusion, ready to accept new knowledge is the most important thing that the author has learnt on this first week.

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