
Monday, January 18, 2010

beranikan diri!!

on 28/12/09 are registration for are new semester..I general so excited to see all my friends...i really miss them..25/12 are Christmas day..n 24/12 are the last day i i have take ticket to UMP on 25 afternoon. from KL to UMP only take time 3 hours only. that time I reach UMP a bit early. no one even again at hostel. started that i feel regret because take early ticket but at kids nursery also no one at there. they all back to their village in conjunction with leave charisma.that why i forced to take early ticket back to UMP.

that time i felt like to make a call all my friends and ask them when they will be back again to UMP.they all will back on 27 that..started that i sense afraid in my self. i will be alone at UMP.providential cafe already open if not i will resilient hunger.i afraid to tell my mother on the other hand later will make my mother worried about that, but i have told to my elder sister, then my mother also get to know from my elder sister..hahaha

i have a brother at UMP, he stay at rented house..he urge resides with him but i shy feeling with his friends are stayed with him increasingly dark and myself more fear.. besides, door of my room are can not key before the semester holiday already..

masa tengah mandi tiba2 terdengar bunyi tapak kaki orang berjalan..emy diamkan dri untuk dengar dgn lebih jelas..bunyi 2 makin lama makin dekat dan emy kemudian kedengaran masuk sebelah bilik air emy..jeng3 sudah je mandi emy terus keluar xpandang dah kiri kanan terus je jalan masuk ke bilik...(rupa-rupanya penakut juga ak ney)...hahaha kemudian emy keluar semula untuk pergi ke toilet ambil wudhuk..masa nak keluar 2 terdengar pula pintu sebelah bilik emy di buka..(creekk...)emy pun jenguk kepala untuk tgk bunyi apakah itu. tiba2 emy bertentang mata dgn kakak senior sebelah bilik emy 2...fuh!! da agak da manusia..saja2 nk bagi korang suspen...hahahah

malam 2 emy tidur dgn dia laa..senior 2 balik awai pun sebab dia ambil bahagian dlm bakal fesilitator untuk semestar depan...seminar dia habis dlm pukul 11 mlm...sementara tunggu dia balik nasib baik xda apa2 yg belaku...esoknya kawan emy datang..ade dah laa orang nak teman emy...huhu

i still have friends who are care of me!!

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